A Week of Self-Care – Day 3 – Nourishment

‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.’ I think Hippocrates got it right over 2000 years ago. It’s the underlying principle I follow and I am a firm believer that food can either fuel health or feed disease.

I’ve always been one for little often, a ‘grazer’ as I remember my Paediatrician once commenting. When I’m particularly unwell, my digestive system shuts down as energy is diverted elsewhere and I quickly lose weight. I turn to mini meals that are as nutrient dense as possible.Read More

A Taste of Summer – Pesto Courgetti


Growing food is such a grounding experience.  I can easily see the appeal of allotments and why people devote endless hours to their gardens.  My little kitchen garden is taking shape this year.  I have trailing tomatoes, bags of potatoes, pots of herbs and a planter full of courgettes.  I find the process fascinating, watching a tiny seed grow into something so fresh and delicious.  Little Nieces D and P were as delighted as I was when we discovered the first tiny green tomato on the plants they helped to sow.  I don’t know what I’ll discover when we lift the potatoes as the leaves have been stripped bare by slugs.  But the courgettes are flourishing with huge leaves and vibrant yellow flowers. Read More

Breathe Easy


I’ve had a stuffy cold/sinusitis for the last couple of weeks.  There’s something about summer colds that makes them all the more miserable.  Curling up in a blanket with a steaming cup of tea feels more natural in the winter.  In the summer, you feel you should be frolicking outside without a care in the world.

I was determined to manage this illness without taking any extra medication.  I have enough chemicals in my body in the form of my regular meds and I didn’t want to add in any more if I could possibly help it.  In any case, I’ve never heard anyone rave about decongestants – you can’t even take them for long otherwise they cause the exact problem you’re trying to treat!  So I used some of my favourite helpers and did a bit of research to add in some new.  Of course, being given beautiful flowers from my parents’ garden perked me up too.

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