Kiss My Asana – Week 3

Kiss My Asana

I was delighted to have my Yogathon practice featured in Mind Body Solutions’ newsletter this week. You can read their inspiring news and updates here.

15.  Sleeping Frog Pose

Sleeping Frog Pose

This pose allowed me to hide away from the world, whilst keeping my body open. Lying on the bolster gave me a wonderful support to sink into whilst reflecting on my inner experience.

16.  Chair Thread the Needle

Chair Thread the Needle

I got a surprisingly intense stretch in this pose. I began sitting upright and then to deepen the pose I took my upper body towards my knee.

17.  Supported Twist with Bolster and Blocks

Supported Twist with Bolster and Blocks

This pose gives a lovely gentle twist. My shoulders dropped as my upper body let go into the bolster. I deepened the twist further by turning my head in the opposite direction. I was comfortable spending several minutes in this pose, twisting from both sides whilst allowing my mind and body to come to rest.

18.  Chair Crescent Moon Pose (Chandrasana)

Chair Crescent Moon Pose

It’s amazing how invigorating it can feel reaching your arms up to the sky and to the side. It lengthens the spine, opens the chest and feels wonderfully energizing. Even more so on such a beautiful sunny day.

19.  Supported Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

Supported Bridge Pose

I found using a block to support my lower back a great way to hold a low Bridge, giving me a gentle backbend and inversion. Using a strap around my legs is an extra help at times when I have little or no movement, allowing me to maintain the position and engage my core.

20.  Seated Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose (Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana)

Seated Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose

I felt exhilarated the first time I fully expressed this pose. The freedom of movement, the strength of my core and the focus of my balance all came together. It didn’t matter that I wasn’t standing; I was feeling everything I needed to feel.

21.  Chair Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskara)

This Sun Salutation variation gave me a wonderful feeling of movement and flow with my breath. I had to work harder to engage my core than in last week’s sitting version, and overall my body felt more energized.

Thank you to everyone for your continued support and interest. If you’d like to read more about my challenge and maybe even sponsor me, you can find my fundraising page here.

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