10 Ways to Start a Journal

10 Ways to Start a Journal Image


If last week’s post ‘10 Health Benefits of Journaling‘ inspired you to pick up your pen, here are some different ideas to get you started. There really is a journaling style for everyone, whether you want to simply jot down a few points or devote a whole book to a specific area of your life.  I’ve started a new Pinterest board on journaling here.  It’s full of how-to guides and images to spark inspiration.


1.  Express gratitude

Start and/or end your day listing three things you are grateful for.  Over time, it trains your brain to notice more of what you do have and less of what you don’t, bringing greater feelings of positivity and happiness.


2.  Keep a notebook by your bed

It can be helpful to write in your journal at the same time each day, developing a routine to help maintain your new habit.  By writing at bedtime, you can ‘brain dump’ any worries or troubling thoughts, knowing they are safely recorded to deal with in the morning.


3.  Use prompts

If you don’t know where to start, there are many online resources that suggest journal prompts to get your pen moving.  See ‘Journal Prompts; You, Your Life, Your Dreams’ for ideas.  Or simply start with a list, a word or an image that captures your day and how you are feeling.


4.  Begin a habit tracker

You could start journaling by selecting one habit you wish to track and record.  It could be related to diet, exercise, study, meditation, a hobby – any area of your life you wish to develop.  You could have a simple tick-box chart in your diary or you could choose to track your new habit in greater detail.


5.  Use an app

I don’t think you can beat the feel of paper and pen, it’s certainly part of the journaling experience for me, but there are many apps that are so convenient.  I used an app for my first gratitude journal and found the reminders very helpful.  There are apps to track mood, travel, exercise, meditation, you name it and it’s probably there.


6.  Start a bullet journal

The bullet journal is a minimal and highly organised approach to journaling, devised by Ryder Carroll.  Starting with a simple notebook and pen you create an index system and devise page layouts to suit whatever you wish to record.  Watch this video to find out more.


7.  Create an art journal

A uniquely personal type of journal, an art journal means you’re not limited to words to express yourself.  You can use sketches, collage, photos, paintings, any artistic medium that will fit in your notebook to illustrate your day.


8.  Make a travel journal

Collate memories of trips and holidays, collecting mementos from your travels.  I loved doing this as a child, especially creating seaside pictures using sand from the beach!


9.  Buy a planner

Whilst I always like to have a plain notebook for my free-writing journal (a spiral bound, wide lined, hardback A5 notebook is my favourite, as you will have seen in the photo if you read my recent post ‘We All have a Story to Tell’), this year I’ve also been using a yoga journal as an extension of my regular diary.  Alongside timed schedules and weekly plans, there are pages for reflection, thought provoking questions and plenty of spaces to record my yoga practice.  There are all sorts of planners available.  Some, like mine, are tailored to a specific interest, whilst others are more generic, providing a well-organised space for journaling.


10. Have fun with stickers, stamps, washi tape, coloured pens and printables.

There’s an amazing selection of decorative stationary to buy that can easily add interest to your journal.  I recently discovered planner stickers thanks to a colourful blog post by Attic24.  They are a simple way to add colour and function to any journal.  I’ve been using stickers by EllieBethDesignsUK, which are adding a spark of happiness to my journaling.  They are also a good reminder that whatever your journaling style, have fun with it!



2 thoughts on “10 Ways to Start a Journal

  1. I now look forward to your regular blogs.
    I love the Attic24 site! Thank you for directing me to it.

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