A New Year Begins

Self-reflection - journaling and yoga practice

New Year’s Eve.  Party night.  I used to feel so much pressure to go out and have fun.  There was expectation, though it was rarely met.  Going out was busy and expensive.  Tensions ran high and I often found myself the sober mediator between friends and their boyfriends in drunken rows.  I’d feel myself flagging, wondering how much longer until the clock struck midnight.  Of course, pushing myself in this way meant I’d start the New Year feeling exhausted and needing to rest before I could embrace the new start. 

It took until my thirties to comfortably admit it wasn’t for me.  I tried pretending it wasn’t happening, but that didn’t work either.  I needed a different way to see out the old year and welcome in the new.  One that allowed me to wake up fresh faced, and one where my fun was genuine, not forced through expectation.

So tonight I’m celebrating in my own way; with my yoga mat and journal (and pizza).  As I’ve been reflecting on the year that’s passed and what I hope is to come, I’ve realised that during the last few hazy days between Christmas and New Year, I’ve been having a detox.  It wasn’t planned.  It’s not even a word I tend to use.  To me, it sounds rigid, lacking and harsh.  What I’m doing is the opposite.  I’m listening to my mind and body, and I’m giving myself what I need.  It’s flexible, balanced and loving.  I’m making space for myself and it feels really good.

What do I need?

How can I best help myself?



  • I’m upping my nutrients with the Nutribullet I was delighted to receive for Christmas.  My nutriblasts have been pretty experimental, using up what’s in my fridge, but it feels like a much needed boost.
  • I’m eating less chocolate.  I enjoy super dark chocolate as a treat, but I’ve noticed myself eating it mindlessly; reaching for it without savouring the pleasure of each square.  I want to enjoy it again.
  • I’m taking time to breathe deeply, filling every part of my body with soothing breath.
  • I’m catching up on sleep, getting back to my usual routine of good quality sleep at night and avoiding naps during the day.
  • I’m making the most of any sunshine to get some much craved for fresh air.  Sitting on my doorstep with a cup of tea this week felt so uplifting and rather unusual for December.



  • I’m easing myself back to my usual level of movement, remembering that even little movements can be so beneficial.
  • I’m gradually building up my yoga practice again.  I’m opening and releasing my body, and letting go of any tension I’m holding emotionally or physically through restorative poses.  I’m being playful in my practice, guided by what feels good rather than a formal routine.



  • I’m meditating in short bursts, having been left feeling wired after the Christmas overload.  I’m tuning into my inner world, after being so immersed in the outer world during the festivities.
  • Letting go of past hurt has been an important part of my journaling.  It feels emotionally cleansing to forgive.  I’ve also been celebrating personal achievements, both big and small. It’s been quite a year!


However you’re spending New Year, I hope it’s in a way that brings you joy and helps you connect to your true self.  Wishing you a peaceful 2016.

2 thoughts on “A New Year Begins

  1. Once again, very inspiring. You have made me look at things in such a different way than I would usually do. Thank you.

    1. I’m so happy to hear that, Georgie. Thanks for reading. Sometimes a shift in perspective is just what we need.

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